A one-block section of 50 Street in downtown Yellowknife remained cordoned off by early Wednesday evening while what appears to be a human body under a blanket laid prone on the road next to a police cruiser.
Emergency personnel were observed giving chest compressions to a person next to the cruiser earlier in the afternoon at around 3:45 p.m. as multiple police officers and an ambulance descended on the scene in front of the former Sobering Centre and across the street from the Northern News Services office.
A body was still present on the scene next to the police vehicle at around 6 p.m. while a few remaining officers kept guard over the area.
Police had cordoned off the street at around 4 p.m. from the intersection with 51 Street to 52 Street to the south, preventing any other vehicles from entering the area.
An officer was observed taking photos at the outpost around 6 p.m.
NNSL will provide updates when more information is available.