Students at Tuugaalik High School participated in Giant Map of Canada Day activities in Naujaat on Oct. 10.
The giant floor map program is a free resource offered by Canadian Geographic Education to any class or school from kindergarten to Grade 12.
For the complete story, please see the Nov. 14 edition of Kivalliq News.
Mayor won't resign
Baker Lake
Reports out of Baker Lake indicate Shawn Attungala, 44, refuses to step down as hamlet mayor despite hamlet council calling for his resignation after he was charged with assault on Sept. 8 following a domestic disturbance.
Attungala is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 4.
The mayor has yet to consent to media requests for an interview since being charged.
New album
Nunavut's own hard-rock masters, Northern Haze, have announced the release of a new album, Siqinnaarut (Return of the Sun).
The album will be released on Nov. 23 via Aakuluk Music.
It's the first new release from the band since the 1980s, whose five members (James Ungalaq, Naisana Qamaniq, John Inooya, Derek Aqqiaruq and Allan Kangok) are all originally from Iglulik, where they continue to reside today.
Sewing program
Baker Lake
A new sewing program sponsored by the hamlet and the Community Health and Wellness committee began in Baker Lake on Nov. 5, with 11 participants taking the program from 1 to 5 p.m. and from 6 to 9 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Taking the new sewing program are Amanda Nakoolak, Sarah Peryouar, Fiona Angatajuak, Rebecca Kautaq, Alakanaaq Tookoome, Brigette Tunnuq, Lynn Ookowt, Valerie Dorey, Delma Uquqtuq, Delores Kayuryuk and Kayla Mariq.
Game on
Rankin Inlet
The initial draft for the upcoming season in the Rankin Inlet Senior Men's Hockey League was held this past Sunday, Nov. 4.
The four team captains for this year's circuit are Lee Kreelak, Bubsy Kusugak, Craig Inuapik Beardsall and David Clark.
Regular season league play begins tonight, Nov. 7.