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Exploring on the land: a whoSA国际影视传媒檚 who of whoSA国际影视传媒檚 looking for what in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Complications from Covid-19 put a damper on some companiesSA国际影视传媒 exploration plans over the past 18 months, but others have pushed on despite having to incorporate new safety protocols. Below is a round up of projects that could one day lead to the next mine in the NWT or Nunavut.
Fortune Minerals began 3,000 metres of drilling at the companySA国际影视传媒檚 NICO gold, bismuth, cobalt and copper deposit, 50 kilometres northeast of Whati, in September. Photo courtesy of Fortune Minerals Fortune Minerals 釔贬拫釔娽摎釔呩枀釔翅懄 3,000 釖︶憰釗 釔冡懓釕曖晲釗傖悈釘挜 釕册捇釔羔搨釔呩憠 NICO gold, bismuth, cobalt 釔娽捇釖 copper 釔呩敪釙嬦枙釗傖悐釙愥晻釚撫搨, 50 釕摏釖メ憪釖 釔呩悐釚曖搰釖 釕册搰釚曖搰釖 Whati鈭掅挜, 釗憥釔贬晢釖.

Complications from Covid-19 put a damper on some companiesSA国际影视传媒 exploration plans over the past 18 months, but others have pushed on despite having to incorporate new safety protocols. Below is a round up of projects that could one day lead to the next mine in the NWT or Nunavut.


Project: Yellowknife City Gold

Owner: Gold Terra

Resource: Gold

Location: 10 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: Gold Terra reported 5.07 grams of gold per tonne over 8.35 metres, including 11.87 g/t of gold over 3.08 metres at the Campbell Shear, south of Con Mine, during the companySA国际影视传媒檚 10,000-metre phase two drilling program. SA国际影视传媒淥ur drilling results continue to confirm and extend the potential of the Yellorex zone to add to our current resource of 1.2 million inferred ounces,SA国际影视传媒 president and CEO David Suda stated in mid-October.

Project: Pine Point

Owner: Osisko Metals

Resource: Lead, zinc

Location: 42 km east of Hay River

Status: Osiskso announced in October its intentions to release an updated preliminary economic assessment (PEA) during the first quarter of 2022. That document will reveal cost reductions based on dewatering volume estimates and a new 3D hydrogeological model. The 2020 PEA indicated a cost of $550 million to get the mine into production, which would result in more than 327 million pounds of zinc per year SA国际影视传媒 a total of 39.1 million tonnes of mined resource SA国际影视传媒 making Pine Point the eighth largest zinc producer globally. The mine life is projected at 10 years, but could be extended by continued drilling.

Project: Kennady North

Owner: Mountain Province Diamonds/Kennady Diamonds

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 280 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: Hundreds of till samples from the eastern and western claims were collected during summer 2021. Those samples were to be shipped to a lab in Saskatoon for testing to detect kimberlite indicator minerals. The results are expected in early 2022, prior to the winter exploration season getting underway. Mountain Province holds a 100-per-cent interest in Kennady North, which covers more than 1,000 square km around the Gacho Kue Mine. The Kelvin kimberlite contains an indicated 13.6 million carats while the Faraday 2 kimberlite contains an estimated 5.45 million carats.

Project: NICO

Owner: Fortune Minerals

Resource: Gold, bismuth, cobalt, copper

Location: 50 km northeast of Whati

Status: Fortune Minerals announced a 3,000-metre drill program to begin at the NICO deposit in late September. In early November, company president Robin Goad extended congratulations to the Tlicho people on the pending opening of the Tlicho All-Season Highway to Whati, which is expected to be accessible to the public on Nov. 30. Fortune Minerals has approvals to build a 50-km spur road from Whati to the NICO mine site.

Project: Indin Lake Gold

Owner: Nighthawk Gold Corp.

Resource: Gold

Location: 200 km north of Yellowknife

Status: Nighthawk completed an ambitious 72,325-metre drill program over 272 drill holes in mid-October. Some of the drilling is intended to expand known mineralized zones while other targets were in greenfield areas of the 930-square-km property within the Indin Lake Greenstone Belt. Indin Lake contains an inferred 2.25 million ounces of indicated gold and 0.79 million ounces of inferred gold.

Project: Prairie Creek

Owner: NorZinc

Resource: Zinc, lead, silver

Location: 90 km northwest of Nahanni Butte

Status: NorZincSA国际影视传媒檚 mid-October preliminary economic assessment for the Prairie Creek project is based on a mine life of 20.3 years at 2,400 tonnes of ore per day. With $368 million required to get the mine started, itSA国际影视传媒檚 estimated that 261 million pounds of payable zinc equivalent production SA国际影视传媒 including 2.6 million ounces of silver SA国际影视传媒 is achievable annually, which would provide payback after 4.8 years. Over the life of the mine, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization are estimated at $2.5 billion cumulatively. The Prairie Creek mine is home to 9.8 million tonnes of measured and indicated resource at 22.7 per cent zinc equivalent. ThereSA国际影视传媒檚 potential for 6.4 million tonnes of inferred resources at 24.1 per cent zinc equivalent.

Project: Diagras

Owner: Arctic Star Exploration/Margaret Lake Diamonds

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 22 km northeast of Diavik diamond mine

Status: Arctic StarSA国际影视传媒檚 $2.1 million spring drilling program found five new kimberlites: Birch, Sequoia, Alder, Cedar and Black Spruce. Sequoia has the largest diamond count and the results SA国际影视传媒渉int at a coarser diamond size distribution, as does the diamond indicator chemistry,SA国际影视传媒 Arctic Star stated in late September. The company hired geophysical crews to fly close to 6,000 line kilometres by helicopter for surveying to identify more exploration targets for undiscovered kimberlites. Arctic Star also expanded its claims this year, broadening Diagras to 483 square km.


Project: Loki

Owner: North Arrow Minerals

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 30 km southwest of Ekati

Status: North Arrow reported in June that six holes of exploration drilling at the 21,300-acre Loki Project failed to turn up kimberlite.

SA国际影视传媒淭he prominent kimberlite indicator mineral train that terminates in the Loki area remains unexplained. Overburden samples collected during the program will be processed for indicator minerals to help with ongoing interpretation,SA国际影视传媒 the company stated.


Project: LDG

Owner: North Arrow Minerals/Dominion Diamond Mines

Resource: Diamonds

Location: Lac de Gras region

Status: North Arrow and then-senior joint venture partner Dominion Diamond Mines conducted $3.5-million worth of exploration at LDG in 2020 that included a geophysical survey program. The 1,472-square-km claim is located south of the Diavik diamond mine. No further announcements followed as the financially-troubled Dominion Diamond Mines sold its assets in early 2021.


Project: Sparta

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 84 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: The Sparta property features multiple gold-rich quartz veins and it attracted the interest of Treminco Resources in the 1980s and drilling as long ago as the 1940s.


Project: Mon

Owner: Sixty North Gold

Resource: Gold

Location: 40 km north of Yellowknife

Status: Project manager New Discovery Mines Ltd. revealed in February that a winter road to the site was being established. The property boasts two parallel dominant gold trends stretching over three kilometres. A camp exists at Mon and drill permits are approved.


Project: Clan Lake

Owner: Dave Webb, Coulter Hess

Resource: Gold, platinum, palladium

Location: North of Yellowknife

Status: Prospectors Dave Webb and Coulter Hess did some grab sampling and collected biogeochemical samples in August 2020. The best gold value returned was 2.9 grams of gold per



Project: Stratus

Owner: Brayden St. Pierre

Resource: Gold

Location: Near Point Lake

Status: St. Pierre carried out prospecting, mapping and sampling in August 2020, bringing back 22 grab samples. The best result measured 0.82 grams of gold per tonne from rock along the Fubar Fault.


Project: Seahorse

Owner: Talmora Diamond Inc.

Resource: Diamonds

Location: About halfway between Colville Lake and Paulatuk

Status: Covid-19 restrictions prevented Olivut Resources from getting into the field in 2020 and 2021. The company previously stated that it considers the property to SA国际影视传媒渉ave the potential to host diamondiferous kimberlite bodies of significant size.SA国际影视传媒


Project: HOAM

Owner: Olivut Resources

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 15 km north of Fort Simpson, stretching to 20 km from Deline

Status: Olivut Resources has SA国际影视传媒渘umerousSA国际影视传媒 targets ready to drill and would like to proceed with helicopter-supported geophysical mapping to identify more targets and prioritize its drill list, but thatSA国际影视传媒檚 subject to the raising of funds.


Project: Astro

Owner: Orogen Royalties

Resource: Gold

Location: Along the Canol Road, near the Yukon border

Status: Orogen Royalties says the 288 square-km property contains SA国际影视传媒渙utcropping gold mineralization in a 10-kilometre-long structural corridor.SA国际影视传媒 Two field seasons of exploration have been conducted in partnership with Newmont.


Project: Fox Lake

Owner: BNT Gold Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 275 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: Mapping, prospecting, soil sampling, glacial till sampling, and geophysical surveys have been done on the 47,400-acre property.


Project: Courageous Lake

Owner: Seabridge Gold

Resource: Gold

Location: 240 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: Seabridge hasnSA国际影视传媒檛 provided any updates since 2018 when it identified two new gold zones as a result of a winter drilling program. A prefeasibility study in 2012 indicated that the nearby FAT deposit is home to 6.46 million ounces of proven and probable gold, which could be produced at an average of 385,000 ounces per year over 16 years.


Project: Little Nahanni

Owner: Lake Winn Resources

Resource: Lithium

Location: 39 km northwest of Cantung mine; near the Yukon border

Status: Samples have returned up to 3.77 per cent lithium on the 13,300-acre Little Nahanni property. Equitorial Exploration, which later became Lake Winn Resources, released news of 1.47 per cent lithium over 9.66 metres in November 2018.


Project: Up Town Gold

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: West side of Giant Mine, six kilometres from downtown Yellowknife

Status: Spanning nearly 8,000 acres, Up Town Gold hosts 10 high-grade gold occurrences.


Projects: Bishop, Zeus, Rhombus, ZIP

Owner: GGL Resources

Resouce: Diamonds

Location: Lac de Gras diamond district

Status: GGLSA国际影视传媒檚 holdings are located in the Lac de Gras area, a district that is home to the Ekati and Diavik mines. GGL has concentrated on its Nevada interests over the past year.


Project: Hidden Lake

Owner: Far Resources and Gaia Metals Corp

Resource: Lithium

Location: 40 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: Results from a 2018 drill campaign included 1.6 per cent lithium oxide over 9.2 metres. The exploration comprised 1,079 metres of drilling at 10 holes, producing 197 core samples from the 4,568-acre property.


Projects: AYE 1 and Handle 1

Owner: Dave Nickerson

Resource: Gold

Location: Near the Ingraham Trail turnoff, close to Yellowknife

Status: Prospector Dave Nickerson carried out grid sampling during summer 2018. He previously reported 59.7 grams of gold per tonne from the Fox vein at his 100-per-cent-owned Aye claim based on 2017 trench work and 36.9 grams of gold per tonne at the No. 9 vein on his wholly-owned Handle 1 property based on a 2017 mini-bulk sample.


Project: Hangstone

Owner: Wayne Kendrick

Resource: Gold

Location: 47 km north of Yellowknife

Status: Grab samples have returned 26.5 and 23.5 grams of gold per tonne at Hangstone.


Project: Itchen

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 348 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: This property is located 78 km southwest of the former Lupin gold mine. Silver Range Resources did some staking and sampling at Itchen in 2016 but no activity has been highlighted in the years since.


Project: Terra

Owner: DemCo Limited Partnership

Resource: Silver

Location: Camsell River, south of Great Bear Lake

Status: Owned by the Dene Nation, DemCo acquired more than 97 square kilometres in minerals claims in 2013. The site encompasses four past producing mines, including the Terra Mine. In 2016, DemCo performed some work on historical cores from Terra but no work has been reported since then.


Project: Chidliak

Owner: De Beers

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 120 km northeast of Iqaluit

Status: The project has an inferred resource of more than 22 million carats from two kimberlites, but there are 41 kimberlites that have tested positive for the presence of diamonds. De Beers conducted a modest summer program at the site in 2021, maintaining the camp and data collection from sensors in the field.

Project: Back River

Owner: Sabina Gold and Silver

Resource: Gold

Location: 364 km southwest of Cambridge Bay

Status: Sabina is plowing ahead with pre-construction activities for the proposed Goose Mine, with work proceeding on the port facility and camp. Winter ice road construction and an exploration ramp at Umwelt are also on the agenda.

SA国际影视传媒淔or the first time at Back River, site operations will continue year-round,SA国际影视传媒 Bruce McLeod, SabinaSA国际影视传媒檚 president and CEO, said in early November.

Sabina announced on Oct. 1 that it had raised $13.5 million through the markets. The money is needed for exploration expenses, according to the company. The companySA国际影视传媒檚 overall Back River mineral estimate is 6.32 million ounces of measured and indicated gold as well as 2.86 million ounces of inferred gold.

An updated feasibility study released in March estimated $2 billion in post-tax net cash flow on gross revenues of $7 billion over the 15-year life of the mine.

Project: Hood River, Ulu Gold

Owner: Blue Star Gold Corp.

Resource: Gold

Location: 125 km west of Bathurst Inlet

Status: Blue StarSA国际影视传媒檚 5,000-metre summer drill campaign over 25 holes produced 11.06 grams of gold per tonne over 2.18 m from a hole in the Gnu zone that previously turned up 52.7 g/t of gold over two metres. Another target returned 5.53 g/t of gold over 1.54 metres. Results from another 18 holes were still pending as of Oct. 28.

SA国际影视传媒淐ontinued strong results from the Gnu zone area drilling, located only 750 metres from the Flood zone deposit, and the new realization that multiple near-surface high grade gold zones may exist in this region is very encouraging,SA国际影视传媒 CEO Grant Ewing stated. SA国际影视传媒淥ur technical team will continue to evaluate the results of the program as they become available over the coming weeks and update the geology models which will lead to prioritization of untested target zones in preparation for the next drill program.SA国际影视传媒

The 9.5-square-km Ulu property lies 50 km north of the Arctic Circle in the Kitikmeot region. Based on past work, the Ulu boasts 605,000 ounces of measured and indicated gold and 226,000 ounces of inferred gold.

Project: Sundog Gold

Owner: New Break Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 235 km west of Arviat

Status: New Break is a new player in the Kivalliq region, reaching agreement with Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) in October to explore 94 square km of Inuit-owned lands. The project is known as Sundog. The Kivalliq Inuit Association will manage surface rights while NTI will administer mineral rights. Terms of the deal stipulate that if New Break formally files a discovery of one million estimated ounces of gold, then NTI will get a $1 million bonus payment, or $5 million for five million ounces. A Sundog feasibility study would be worth $3 million to NTI, while commercial production would result in a payment of $5 million to Nunavut Tunngavik.

SA国际影视传媒淲e look forward to a productive working relationship, built on respect and our sincere desire to see the Sundog Project benefit the Inuit and New Break shareholders alike,SA国际影视传媒 said Michael Farrant, president and CEO of New Break.

New Break other Kivalliq exploration properties consist of Sy, Noomut/Esker and Angikuni Lake, which cover 220 square km in total.

Project: Naujaat

Owner: North Arrow Minerals

Resource: Diamonds

Location: Nine km northeast of Naujaat

Status: Processing of a 2,000-tonne bulk sample from the Naujaat Diamond Project was started in late October. Partner Burgundy Diamond Mines funded the $5.6-million initiative for the rights to earn a 40 per cent interest in the Naujaat Diamond Project. The purpose of this sample is to confirm that a unique population of fancy yellow to orange yellow diamonds extend into coarser diamond sizes. SA国际影视传媒淭he quality of these diamonds will also be very important as we believe these fancy coloured diamonds will be a key value driver for potential future development of the Q1-4 deposit,SA国际影视传媒 said Ken Armstrong, president and CEO of North Arrow.

Project: Meadowbank

Owner: Western Atlas Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: Adjacent to Agnico EagleSA国际影视传媒檚 Meadowbank mine

Status: Although the Meadowbank property garnered interest for its gold potential, Western Atlas Resources announced in April that it found nickel and polymetallic mineralization near the surface. One hole intersected 0.14 per cent nickel, 0.01 per cent cobalt, 0.28 per cent chromium, 9.11 per cent iron and 0.8 per cent sulfur over 95 metres from a depth of 18.73 metres. In September, the company served notice that it had amended its permits to allow it to drill up to 20,000 metres per year and enlarge the camp to a maximum of 40 people. Meadowbank covers 580 square km.

Project: Committee Bay

Owner: Fury Gold Mines

Resource: Gold

Location: 130 km southwest of Kugaaruk

Status: Fury Gold announced in September that a five-hole, 2,587 metre drill program was complete. The focus was on an eight kilometre shear zone where the Raven prospect is located. In the past, Raven has yielded 31.1 grams of gold per tonne over 2.8 metres and 9.49 g/t gold over 7.57 metres. Results from this summerSA国际影视传媒檚 drill program had not been released publicly as of the first week of November. The overall property encompasses 270 square km along the Committee Bay Greenstone Belt.

Project: Mel

Owner: North Arrow Minerals

Resource: Diamonds

Location: 140 km south of Hall Beach

Status: The last update regarding the Mel property came in February when North Arrow announced a data-sharing agreement with StrategX Elements Corp, which acquired the non-diamond mineral rights in the area. However, North Arrow retains a per cent royalty on non-diamond production. The Mel property encompasses 560 square kilometres.

Project: CSI

Owner: North Arrow Minerals

Resource: Diamonds

Location: West of the Jericho and Muskox kimberlites

Status: CSI is a newly-staked project where North Arrow undertook a modest till sampling program in June. The property covers an area that SA国际影视传媒渃ould potentially host a bedrock source for regionally anomalous kimberlite indicator mineral samples reported by earlier workers,SA国际影视传媒 according to North Arrow.

Project: Seal/Storm

Owner: Aston Bay Holdings

Resource: Copper, zinc, silver

Location: 120 km south of Resolute Bay

Status: Aston Bay HoldingsSA国际影视传媒 partner American West Metals Limited spent three weeks performing a ground electromagnetic geophysical survey at the Storm copper project on Somerset Island over the summer. The work was intended to find extensions of the known mineralization along strike and at depth. A drilling campaign is anticipated in 2022. Storm encompasses a staggering 3000-sq-km area, including the Seal zinc and silver project.

Project: South Kitikmeot Gold

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 276 to 432 km south of Kugluktuk

Status: Silver Range revealed in August that it optioned the South Kitikmeot Gold Project to Australian company Viridis Mining. The property covers SA国际影视传媒渒nown gold occurrences along a 200 km long package of metasedimentary rocks which host the Lupin Mine (3.4 million ounces gold production to date) and the Back River Project (5.3 million ounces gold measured and indicated resources) currently being advanced to production by Sabina Gold and Silver Ltd.,SA国际影视传媒 Silver Range stated.

Project: Greyhound

Owner: Gold 79 Resources/Agnico Eagle

Resource: Gold/silver

Location: 40 km northeast of Baker Lake

Status: Agnico Eagle is the operating partner at the 13.6-square-km Greyhound property, which lies 32 km south of Agnico EagleSA国际影视传媒檚 Meadowbank gold mine. Gold 79 Resources, formerly known as Aura Resources, holds a 37 per cent interest. Agnico Eagle was expected to undertake an 1,100-metre, eight hole drill program in May, but no results were announced as of early November.

Project: Yava

Owner: Blue Moon Metals

Resource: Zinc, lead, copper, silver, gold

Location: 450 km northeast of Yellowknife

Status: The 14,216-acre Yava project lies 32 km from GlencoreSA国际影视传媒檚 Hackett River deposit. Historical resource estimates at Yava indicate 1.3 million tons of resource containing 4.96 per cent zinc, 1.03 per cent copper, 1.60 percent lead, 3.42 ounces per ton of silver, and 0.008 ounces per tons gold to a depth of 91.5 metres. Blue Moon stated that next steps for the project include exploring the five shallow holes the company has drilled.


Project: Hard Cash and Nigel

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 700 km east of Yellowknife

Status: Hard Cash and Nigel are located at the western end of the Ennadai-Rankin greenstone belt, which extends from Rankin Inlet to southwestern Nunavut. Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. has built the Meliadine high-grade gold mine at the eastern end of the belt.


Project: Tree River

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 155 km southeast of Kugluktuk

Status: University of Albera researchers brought back three alluvial, kimberlitic diamonds from two small, separate samples in 2020, according to Silver Range Resources in October of that year. Subsequent sampling from the property showed 36.3 grams of gold per tonne from a one-metre by one-metre panel. The company expressed its intentions to systematically test the gold and diamond potential in the area.


Project: Qaiqtuq

Owner: Solstice Gold

Resource: Gold

Location: 26 km from Rankin Inlet

Status: Solstice carried out mapping and sampling at the Qaiqtuq project SA国际影视传媒 formerly known as Kahuna SA国际影视传媒 during the summer of 2020. Aiming to identify drill targets, the work was done within a 40 square km area containing gold-bearing boulders on the 866-square-km property. Qaiqtuq is only seven kilometres from Agnico EagleSA国际影视传媒檚 Meliadine gold mine.


Project: Kiyuk Lake

Owner: Cache Exploration

Resource: Gold

Location: 350 km west of Arviat

Status: Kiyuk Lake comprises 70 mineral claims over 590 square km. The siteSA国际影视传媒檚 mineralization trend covers a 13-km strike length and is open in all directions.


Project: Baffin Gold

Owner: ValOre Metals Corp.

Resource: Gold

Location: 230 km southwest of Clyde River

Status: Baffin Gold has turned its attention to a platinum group metals property in Brazil.

A summer exploration program at Baffin Gold in 2018 gathered airborne data, 431 till samples and 31 rock geochemical samples. The survey work gave ValOre continuous airborne geophysical data covering 120 km of the prospective Foxe Fold Belt. The entire property sprawls over one million acres. Fieldwork in 2017 returned numerous high-grade gold assays.


Project: Atlantis

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 55 km northwest of Agnico EagleSA国际影视传媒檚 Amaruq deposit

Status: SA国际影视传媒淪ilver Range considers the Atlantis Project to be highly prospective to host economic gold mineralization given the proximity of the project to the Meadowbank mine complex and the fact that the target is underlain by the same rock types hosting the Amaruq Deposit,SA国际影视传媒 the company stated in a 2019 news release regarding the 78,500-acre Atlantis project.


Project: Yandle, Noomut, Quartzite

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 151 km northwest of Arviat, 149 km northwest of Arviat, 143 km north of Arviat, respectively

Status: Silver Range Resources disseminated news in November 2017 of the existence of a gold trend over three kilometres at Yandle. Grab samples gathered along the trend returned up to 15.1 grams of gold per tonne. Past grab samples at Noomut have shown values of up to 89 grams of gold per tonne while Quartzite grab samples have graded up to 27.3 grams of gold per tonne. The properties lie in the Ennadai-Rankin greenstone belt.


Projects: Grumpy, Happy Thought

Owner: Silver Range Resources

Resource: Gold

Location: 182 km and 262 km southeast of Kugluktuk, respectively

Status: These two properties host nine documented gold showings. Up to 20 grams of gold per tonne over one metre were found in historical trench samples from the Grumpy site while Happy Thought historical samples have returned up to 13.44 grams of gold per tonne.


Project: Muskox/Contwoyto/Hood

Owner: Benchmark Metals

Resource: Gold/diamonds

Location: 14 km southwest of the former Jericho diamond mine

Status: Benchmark Metals continues to focus on its properties in British Columbia.

The Muskox Project encompasses an enormous 600-square-km. De Beers discovered the Muskox kimberlite in 1996 and the property has been explored by several companies.


Project: Coppermine

Owner: Kaizen Discovery

Resource: Copper, silver

Location: 80 km south of Kugluktuk

Status: Kaizen Discovery has turned its attention to a property in Peru. ThereSA国际影视传媒檚 been no reported activity at Coppermine since public acknowledgment in 2016 that some of the companySA国际影视传媒檚 3,500-square-kilometre property was identified in the draft Nunavut Land Use Plan as being under limitations or prohibitions relating to exploration and mining. The companySA国际影视传媒檚 website identifies the property as a possible sale option or joint venture opportunity.


Project: Pistol Bay

Owner: Northquest Ltd.

Resource: Gold

Location: 35 km northwest of Whale Cove

Status: Nordgold more than doubled mineral resources at Pistol Bay in February 2020. Inferred open pit resources increased to 1.58 million ounces of gold at a grade of 2.2 grams of gold per tonne from the previous estimate of 739,000 ounces at 2.95 g/t. Pistol Bay is a vast property encompassing 860 square km.


Project: Arcadia Bay

Owner: Transition Metals Corp./Nunavut Resources Corp.

Resource: Gold

Location: 153 km southeast of Kugluktuk

Status: The 26.5-square-km property, located in close proximity to the Coronation Gulf and the proposed Grays Bay road and port project, has a number of gold showings. However, Arcadia Bay didnSA国际影视传媒檛 even get a mention in Transition MetalsSA国际影视传媒檚 2019 year in review and shareholder update as other projects are at the forefront.


Project: Kuulu

Owner: NxGold Ltd.

Resource: Gold

Location: 40 km northwest of Rankin Inlet

Status: International Consolidated Uranium Inc. became a shareholder of Meliadine Gold Ltd. in January 2020. Work on the Kuulu property encountered delays due to an inability to renew the land-use agreement. SA国际影视传媒淏oth groups recognize the potential of the project but also that the path forward requires a patient and focused approach which the team at MGL is well equipped to undertake,SA国际影视传媒 Glen Dickson,

president and CEO of Meliadine Gold stated in January 2020. There have been no updates since.


Project: Angilak

Owner: ValOre Metals Corp.

Resource: Uranium

Location: 350 km west of Rankin Inlet

Status: The last news release relating to developments at Angilak was issued in 2016. With uranium prices languishing at between $20 and $25 per pound for much of the past two years, Kivalliq Energy Corp. has turned its attention to its Baffin Gold Project. SA国际影视传媒淒iscovery potential at Angilak is significant, providing excellent potential to add value with an upward move in uranium prices,SA国际影视传媒 the company states on its website.


Project: Kiggavik

Owner: Areva

Resource: Uranium

Location: 80 km west of Baker Lake

Status: Areva suffered a major setback in July 2016 when the minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs reinforced the Nunavut Impact Review BoardSA国际影视传媒檚 decision to reject the Kiggavik project due to the lack of a date to begin mining. Areva expressed its disappointment after spending tens of millions of dollars and eight years advancing the project.


Project: North Thelon

Owner: Forum Energy Metals Corp.

Resource: Uranium

Location: 50 km west of Baker Lake

Status: Forum Energy Metals Corp., formerly Forum Uranium, has placed its North Thelon project on care and maintenance until uranium prices recover. Forum was hoping to process its future ore at the nearby Kiggavik mill but that project by Areva has been rejected by regulatory authorities. ThereSA国际影视传媒檚 an estimated recoverable 114 million pounds of U308 on the 950-square-km North Thelon property, equating to a mine life of 17 years, according to Forum Uranium. The project would support 400 to 600 jobs.


Project: Mountain Lake

Owner: ISOEnergy Ltd.

Resource: Uranium

Location: 95 km west of Kugluktuk

Status: IsoEnergy established five claims in the Hornby Bay Basin in February 2017. Several companies have explored the Mountain Lake uranium deposit since the mid-1970s. The company has been concentrating on its properties in Saskatchewan.


Project: Izok Corridor

Owner: MMG Resources

Resource: Zinc, lead, copper, silver, gold

Location: 260 km southeast of Kugluktuk

Status: Izok remains in care and maintenance status. The last work done at the property was in 2014. Izok has a mineral resource of 15 million tonnes of 2.3 per cent copper and 13 per cent zinc. The High Lake deposit, to the north of Izok, contains 2.5 per cent copper and 3.8 per cent zinc over 14 million tonnes.


Project: Hackett River

Owner: Glencore

Resource: Silver, gold, copper, zinc, lead

Location: 355 km southeast of Kugluktuk

Status: Glencore has yet to submit a draft environmental impact statement for Hackett River. No drilling has been announced since 2013. Hackett River has 25 million tonnes of indicated resource containing 4.2 per cent zinc and 130 grams of silver per tonne. It also has 57 million tonnes of inferred resource with 3.0 per cent zinc and 100 grams of silver per tonne.


Project: Haig Inlet Iron

Owner: Hemlo Explorers

Resource: Iron

Location: 22 km south of Sanikiluaq

Status: Hemlo ExplorersSA国际影视传媒 230-square-km property contains an indicated 230 million tonnes of 35.17 per cent iron and an inferred 289 million tonnes of 35.47 per cent iron, according to a mineral resource estimate. The companySA国际影视传媒檚 focus has been on its Ontario properties, however.

釕曖懐釖冡摯釔呩搨釔呩敧釗 釙酷摢釗曖拹釗氠枙釗傖悈釘搨 釖庒摋釖 釔冡挭釙愥挜 釔贬敪釔呩敧釗 New Break ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Sundog 釗囜枙釖メ搨釚撫搨, 235 釕摏釖メ憪釖 釔贬搰釚曖搰釙愥挜 釔娽晲釙曖悐釗傖懄. Visible flecks of gold panned from New Break ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Sundog property, 235 kilometres west of Arviat. Photo courtesy of New Break Resources
釚佱摃釖メ拵釗曖拑 釗傖晻釚撫敧釖 釕晻釖冡摨釘踞敧釕庒挜釖 釗呩憠釔羔摢釗曖悐釙椺枀 釔冡搨釚撫搫釕 NICO 釔贬摃釙嗎悐釖冡摯釚撫搨. 釚佱摃釖メ拵釗栣懄 釔贬摢釗氠晢釔呩晽釕 釔呩杹釖悆釕︶憪釗 釕晻釖冡摨釗傖悈釘挜 釔呩枔釗拑釕愥挜 釔冡搨釔呩敧釗傖懄. A helicopter with a sling line moves into position at the NICO project. Choppers are critical for doing heavy lifting in remote locations. Photo courtesy of Fortune Minerals
Solstice Gold釙濁懐釕 釚冡悆釚呩憪釚 釗囜枙釖メ搨釚撫搨 釔娽枏釗傖杻釚呩惓釚 866 釕憠釔贯晢釖冡憪釗 釕摏釖メ憪釗 釕册枏釚呩枲釗傖晲釖 釔娽捇釖 釔冡挕釗椺摃釖戓晲釘枙釖п懄. Solstice GoldSA国际影视传媒檚 Qaiqtuq property sprawls over 866 square kilometres between Rankin Inlet and Chesterfield Inlet. Photo courtesy of Solstice Gold
釔呩搰 釕册搻釗勧敪釚 釔呩敪釙嬦悈釘櫝釙愥搨釔呩敧釖 釕曖悈釕︶憪釚冡枀釔翅枀, 釗囜搨釘悈釘挜 Aston Bay ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Storm 釔贬摃釙嗎悐釖冡摯釚撫搨, 120 釕摏釖メ憪釖 釚冡悈釗贬悆釕︶憫釕 釗傖拫釚撫搻釗. American West Metals, Aston Bay鈭掅懐釕 釔贬摃釙嗎杻釕庒拫釘枔釕, 釔贬摃釙嗎摎釔呩枀釔翅懄 釔娽悈釖挕釖嬦枀釕曖枀釕愥挜 釗傖惐釕︶憰釔呩憥釖 釗勧搰釖 釚冡悈釘ㄡ摯釔冡搨釔呩敧釖 釔冡搨釔呩敧釖 釔娽悈釘悈釗氠悈釚呩憪釖. This is what copper mineralization looks like, found at Aston Bay ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Storm project, 120 kilometres south of Resolute Bay. American West Metals, Aston BaySA国际影视传媒檚 partner, performed a ground electromagnetic geophysical survey at the site over the summer. Photo courtesy of Aston Bay Resources
One of the perks of the job for geologists is taking a break and enjoying the surrounding scenery, such as this view at Aston Bay ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Storm copper project in the Qikiqtani region. One of the perks of the job for geologists is taking a break and enjoying the surrounding scenery, such as this view at Aston Bay ResourcesSA国际影视传媒 Storm copper project in the Qikiqtani region. Photo courtesy of Aston Bay Resources

About the Author: Derek Neary

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