Hamlet crews have been busy fixing and building roads in the community. Two weeks of upgrades to Igloo Point Road recently wrapped up, said senior administrative officer Greg Morash.
"Everybody goes out there camping and having a nice holiday," he said.
A 2.5-km road for a new subdivision is also on the books for this year. It's the third road for the newly developed area, with the other two arteries having been constructed last year. The money for the project is coming from the hamlet's land development fund, said Morash.
"The whole idea is we build the roads first and then we start doing the lot development," he said, adding that installing power poles and surveying are also required. "From start to finish, it will take two to four years. It definitely keeps (hamlet workers) busy."
The entire subdivision will comprise up to 70 lots, both residential and commercial, he said.
There are also plans to improve the road to the graveyard, which involves a steep grade. Efforts will be made to reduce the slope. The existing pitch makes it treacherous for vehicles to ascend and descend when funerals are held at the cemetery in the winter, Morash noted.