Arctic Fresh, an Iglulik-based online grocery retailer serving Baffin communities, provided close to $10,000 worth of groceries to the Igloolik Food Bank prior to the Thanksgiving weekend.
Rhoda Angutimarik, the company's CEO, grew up often going hungry "because fresh and nutritious foods were not available or were too expensive," stated an Arctic Fresh news release. She launched the Inuit-owned business to reduce the high cost of groceries and to help ensure others have access to healthy foods, according to the news release.
The recent food donation was possible with help from Canadian North, which lowered its freight costs for the delivery.
Greg Morash, the community's senior administrative officer, expressed gratitude for the gesture.
"Food insecurity is a major issue in Northern communities and families rely on food banks for assistance," Morash stated. "This year, Thanksgiving week will be better for most because of the generous donation of nutritious and fresh food sent to Iglulik from Arctic Fresh... When a community comes together, great things can happen."