The school year finally kicked off in Kugaaruk last week as the former hamlet office renovations were completed. High school students started on Sept. 18 while kindergarten to Grade 9 were in class as of Sept. 19.
Because the old hamlet building isn't large enough for all students, some will take their lessons in temporary spaces in the community until modular classrooms are available, which is expected by Nov. 1, according to the Department of Education.
These alternate arrangements are fallout from the fire that destroyed Kugaardjuk School in late February.
The Hamlet of Kugaaruk helped out by selling the former hamlet office to the Department of Education for $1 and also by leasing out the business development centre and the wellness centre to the Department of Education, each for two years.
"Everybody has to make a contribution to get through this," said John Ivey, the hamlet's senior administrative officer. "The kids are happy to be back in school... that's the big thing."