Captivated parents, judges, teachers and friends listened intently as students at Quqshuun Ilihakvik engaged in a public speaking contest in the school's iglu room on March 8.

photo courtesy of Quqshuun Ilihakvik
Becky Ameralik captured top spot with a speech about kindness. Second place went to Trinity Rudolph, who spoke about respect. Nanuq Autut came in third place with a speech about bullying.
Student support teacher Bern O'Brien has hosted the public speaking competition for 13 years.
She said the event instills "abundant student confidence, self-pride, enthusiasm, eagerness and creativity," qualities that she believes contribute significantly to student performance at Quqshuun Ilihakvik.
The panel of public speaking judges comprised district education authority member Paul Puqiqnak, student support assistant Lena Arqviq, the hamlet's senior administrative officer David Stockley and Northern store manager Ashley Locke.