The City of Yellowknife announced a city wide fire ban on Friday due to very dry conditions in the region and no expectation of rain over the coming week.
was issued stating that open air fires within municipal boundaries will be prohibited, including the use of approved fire pits.

NNSL file photo
The city states that camp stoves and enclosed barbecues as well as propane-fueled cooking and heating devices are permitted for use, but must be placed within regulation fire pits. They also cannot emit a flame more than 0.5 metres in diameter and 0.5 m in height, according to the news release.
The ban will remain in place until the city advises otherwise and updates will be available on the city website and social media sites.
The GNWT Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment stated in a news release on the same day that the fire ban will apply to Fred Henne Territorial Park and Yellowknife River Territorial Park.
The department will provide updates on fire bans and territorial park closures as factors change through the as well as its Twitter feed and .
Two wildfires in North Slave
NWT Fire also noted the city fire ban due to extremely dry conditions in the region. A Facebook post stated on Friday that the first two wildfires for the season in the North Slave.
"Both (fires) occurred along the Ingraham Trail east of Yellowknife, and both appear to be human-caused," states the notice.
Residents seeking continued updates about can visit the webpage.
Reporting a wildfire can be done through the main toll-free number at 1-877-698-3473 (1-877-NWT-FIRE).