Editor's note: Lydia Bardak, a longtime social issues advocate in Yellowknife, sent this note to Yellowknife MLAs Thursday evening after Justice Minister Caroline Wawzonek finally caved to demands from Indigenous leaders in the territory to impose restrictions on alcohol sales, limiting daily purchases to $200 and no more than six 375 mil bottles (mickeys) of spirits. We're reprinting her letter to MLAs here with her permission.
Geez, I know that everyone is trying their best...and it's hard to see what to do...Canada has tried various forms of prohibition of various substances since 1908 and never achieved any success (and let's face it, prohibition in this country has always been race-based and for 112 years has failed).
So the latest attempt...restricting the amount purchased...once again, Yellowknife comes out ahead. The limit here will be $400.00 per day and 12 mickeys, because of course anyone can go to both liquor stores without detection or send a partner in to make a second purchase...ahh, the challenges...may we all survive.
Is non-beverage alcohol, especially in the communities, being controlled? Cough syrup is a favourite in many communities, just saying...
Stay safe everyone :o) and moving forward, let's address the underlying causes of substance abuse.