The Stanton Renewal Project reached SA国际影视传媒渁 major milestoneSA国际影视传媒 recently as the GNWT took possession of the building Nov. 30.
According to Jhillian Adams, spokesperson for the GNWT Department of Executive and Indigenous Affairs, this formerly ends the construction phase for the Stanton Renewal Project and begins a facility activation phase leading up to May 26, 2019, First Patient Day SA国际影视传媒 when the new hospital begins taking patients.
The GNWT says the $350 million project remains on budget and on schedule since the project began development in December 2016.
The department reported this week that the GNWT is now completing finishing touches on the building leading up to opening day - or SA国际影视传媒渃onstruction deficienciesSA国际影视传媒 - which include painting, caulking, equipment connections, equipment connections and other mechanical and electrical finishes. Furniture and fixtures are also scheduled to be added to the building in the new year, according to the department.
Dexterra, formerly known as Carillion Canada, is the 30-year service provider and moved into the building to begin delivering services outlined in project agreement with the GNWT.
A selected group of hospital staff members are expected to be introduced to the facility in the new year to stock items, conduct training and prepare the building and other hospital staff for opening day.
Last spring, Yellowknifer had the opportunity to take a tour through the building as it reached its 75 per cent completion point.