The stopped about 50 vehicles and gave each a pamphlet with facts about impaired driving and a candy cane, during its second Candy Cane Checkstop of the month.
The Candy Cane Checkstop is a joint initiative between the Yellowknife and Ecole St. Patrick's Students Against Drunk Driving. It is meant to spread awareness during the month of December about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
So far, the campaign has reached more than 350 motorists.
" members, including some of the top-ranking members in our territory, braved the extremely cold temperatures to take this opportunity to ask the public to be safe over this holiday season," Yellowknife Cst. Heather Cosenzo stated Friday.
The is urging Yellowknifers who see a driver they believe may be intoxicated to call police at 867-669-1111 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.
Reports can also be made at, or by texting nwtnutips to 274637.