The Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) is investigating two short power outages that took place Friday afternoon that impacted three neighbourhoods in Yellowknife.
Doug Prendergast, manager of communications with NTPC, stated in an email on Friday that two disruptions that impacted power service hit Frame Lake, Kam Lake and the downtown core.
"The first outage began at 3:47 and power was restored at 3:59 (12 minutes)," Prendergast stated. "The second outage began at 4:32 and power was restored at 4:36 (four minutes)."
NTPC was uncertain what caused the outages at press time.
Prendergast stated the outages had no relation to the ransomware attacks that occurred on April 30.
The corporation's website ( remains inactive stemming from that incident, however information and updates can be obtained through its and .